
Pray for the work of the ministry here at Ironwood as we challenge believers and share the Gospel. Maybe something more specific to you?

Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and read my ministry updates (need link)here on this site.

Consider financially supporting my ministry. All Ironwood resident staff are supported by either by churches or by individuals.

You can find me at




LOCATION (Ironwood)

49191 Cherokee Road, Newberry Springs, CA 92365

Support me

If you would like to support my ministry financially, here are the best ways you can do that:

  • Mail a check made out to Ironwood (monthly or a one time gift) and put a note in that says it is staff support for Rebekah Nelson. *see address
  • If you would like to pay with a credit or debit card, call the Ironwood office at 760.257.3503. Just let the receptionist know you would like to make a payment for staff support. 
  • Using PayPal on the Ironwood website is also an option. Here is a link to the page: to change the link,  I totally  copy/pasted this from Marilee’s site.  Hope that’s ok